
Sport at our school

We have a range of sporting opportunities for children to participate in.

These include Cricket, Futsal, Hockey, Basketball, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Canoe Polo and so on.

What a great way to represent your school, improve your skills and have a lot of fun.

2025 House tally









HOUSE Points summary

Senior/MIDDLE swimming points - Y / R / G / B

Term one values tokens -

Sporting opportunities

  • Hockey

    A popular sport at NCS. We had seven teams entered in the local competition last year.

  • Netball

    Hawkes Bay netball offer an excellent coaching skills training. Game one hour session. Year 3 -6 students play at different times of the year.

  • Soccer

    We enter school soccer teams into school soccer tournaments during the year. Most children will play for clubs during the winter.

  • Futsal

    The fastest growing children’s sport in NZ. We have teams from Year 2 to Year 6 competing at present.

  • Volleyball

    A popular team game with our students in the winter terms.

  • Basketball

    Another popular sport at Napier Central. We have several teams competing at Basketball gymnasiums around Napier.

  • Canoe Polo

    This sport was introduced a couple years ago. Children learn the game and associated skills. Its a game that is played at Intermediate and high school in Hawkes Bay.

  • Barefoot 7's Tackle Rugby