CULTURE at our school
We are extremely proud of our school orchestra.
Approximately 60 children playing a range of instruments under the expert eye of Ms Cuthbert.
Tutors are also available for Violin, Guitar and Drum lessons.
We also have an enthusiastic Senior and Junior Kapa Haka groups, and a talented Choir of singers who all perform at the Kindy Tour and End of Year assembly.

Cultural opportunities
We have a strong school orchestra which meets regularly during the school year to practice music to present at assemblies and at special events. Tuition in individual instruments is held on Friday mornings and full orchestra practice is at lunchtime.
We have a school choir which meets regularly during the school year to practice songs to present at assemblies and at special events.
Kapa Haka
We have an enthusiastic Junior and Senior Kapa Haka groups (year 2 up) who meets weekly during the school year to practise Waiata and Haka, which they perform at Assemblies, Festivals and Special Occasions. We regularly participate in the Ngati Kahungunu Kapa Haka Festival.
Students from Year 4 up are invited to join the Drama Club who gather once a week to practice the skills of Drama. They perform to parents at the end of year.
Our school holds a proud tradition of producing a polished musical production, delivered in a ‘real theatre’ environment, for the students to experience the thrill of performing on a live stage. Productions to date, have been tremendously successful, thanks to the many voluntary hours given by staff and parents, either through direct involvement or through assisting with costuming, props, and scenery.
Instrumental Tuition
For children aged 7+, we have itinerant teachers of guitar and drum who provide individual or small group lessons during school time. The cost of this is met by individual parents.
Book Week & Book Character Day
Reading , Reading with… Reading to….. all help to grow a love for reading and competence. Book Week is a fun few days when we celebrate everything to do with reading and books.
World Cultural Day
We celebrate difference and diversity. We believe children who know their story and background are anchored. Each year we dress in our culture and share food from our culture to understand that ‘difference’ is to be celebrated.